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Pollution around our schools

We launched our last election campaign on the theme of air pollution - since then the problem has been left to become worse. We're glad to see more monitoring around schools. Giving families a "full understanding of the health risks of air pollution" may help, but creating car-free school streets with alternatives like safe walking and cycling routes to get there would do a lot more good!

Giving badges to warn children and asking them "what else could be done to tackle the problem?" risks adding to young people's anxieties - when the solution is already well known by adult leaders: Make active travel and public transport the easier, cheaper way to get to school and work in our city. We just need the political will to do it. That's why we need Greens elected!
#VoteGreen2019 #IfNotNowWhen?

If you agree that we need safer schools streets and should not charge buses while exempting private cars as this will hit the poorest and those unable to drive, please speak up in the local consultation on air quality proposals.