

Newcastle Green Party members are hard at work all year round, holding the council to account and canvassing for support in elections. With 2 councillors now on the council, our capacity to influence and advocate for environmental and community issues is stronger than ever. However, effectively delivering our message still requires substantial resources.

The Newcastle Green Party relies on small regular donations from our members and supporters to ensure our voice is heard throughout the city. The ongoing climate emergency and the council’s responses to it underline the critical need for strong Green representation. Our councillors are there to ask the difficult questions and to hold the council accountable to their promises.

YOUR CASH could be the pivotal contribution that takes our campaign to the next level.

THANK YOU! Lee Irving Treasurer

P.S. We also need more volunteers out speaking to residents and delivering our newsletters, to make sure we get the Green Party’s message across to every voter in Newcastle. For more information of ways you can help, please see our Get Involved page.

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