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South Heaton by-election: have a voice, be heard, register to vote today!

The deadline to register to vote for the March by-election in South Heaton is 28th February.  But please don't leave it to the last minute - register today.  It only takes a few minutes online (you will need your date of birth and national insurance number), at

After a previous by-election in South Heaton, Green Party candidate Andrew Gray analysed the electoral register and used his knowledge of the ward to conclude that there were more people with a right to vote who weren't on the electoral register, than the 1,304 who voted in the by-election.  These people are invisible - not counted in voter turnout figures, and usually ignored by mainstream politicians.  They are also often the people living in the worst quality private rented housing, most dependent on zero hours contracts, and least well served by government or council services alike.  Andrew wrote then,

"Imagine what our country might look like, if our democracy was dominated as much by the needs of a younger, more transient, less secure population, as it currently is by the settled householders?"

Imagine...  But don't just imagine, act!  If you, your flatmates, neighbours or friends are not currently registered to vote, visit the online register-to-vote site.  You can check your registration status by calling 0191 278 7878 and asking for 'Electoral Services'.  Remember that all the following adults have a vote in local elections, including the 16th March South Heaton by-election:

  • British citizens
  • Citizens of the Irish Republic
  • Citizens of any European Union country
  • Citizens of any Commonwealth country

See full list of countries if in doubt.  Deadline to register for this by-election is 28th February.